• Question: how far away is neptune from earth

    Asked by Anon to Yasmin, Natasha, Jemma, James, Davide, Craig, Charlie on 24 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Charles Footer

      Charles Footer answered on 24 Jan 2017:

      Google says 2.7 billion miles so that must be right. Even Ranulph Fiennes hasn’t run that far!

    • Photo: Craig Fisher

      Craig Fisher answered on 24 Jan 2017:

      Neptune is about 4.50 billion km from the Sun, which is about 30 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun. So the shortest distance between Earth and Neptune is about 4.35 billion km, and the longest about 4.65 billion km. It took the Voyager 2 spacecraft around 12 years to reach Neptune in 1989.
